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Transatlantic Climate Bridge Conference 2023
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5 - 14 June

Our Conference 2023

Multilevel Action for Transatlantic Climate Success

The Transatlantic Climate Bridge Conference 2023 was a 2 week coming together that strengthened the climate and energy alliance between Germany, the United States, and Canada. Check out the streams from all of our events events below.  This year's conference convened from Monday, 5 June through Wednesday, 14 June. 

From panel discussions and workshops to live podcast recordings and roundtables, our innovative formats will kept conversations fresh, informative, and left plenty of room for interaction. The sessions were designed to provide a space for discourse and collaboration between national and sub-national actors, the private sector, civil society organizations, and youth change agents.


TCBC 2023 Opening Event

Featuring high-level speakers from the U.S., Germany, and Canada on different governance levels, our opening event kicked-off with a keynote from Ambassador Nina Hachigian, U.S. Special Representative for City and State Diplomacy, leading to a discussion on how multi-level action can be harnessed to facilitate transatlantic climate cooperation. Part 1 of the Opening Event heard from the national-level leaders spearheading the facilitation of subnational action. Part 2 welcomed input from key sub national actors to further the debate about how vertical and transatlantic cooperation can be improved.